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Calling All Teachers!

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

As a classroom teacher, I understand how busy the school year can be around the holidays. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an exciting time of the year, but from my own experience I know it can feel overwhelming for both the teachers and students. While all of the additional crafts, themed dress up days, parties, and programs are a lot of fun, they can also leave us exhausted and overstimulated. It helps to remind myself that “less is more.” Not that you want to eliminate all of those holiday activities, but perhaps consider putting less pressure on yourself by taking some of those previous to-dos off your list this Christmas season. Simplify and change things up a bit!

One way to accomplish this is to bring a Snowpixie into your classroom. This will not only simplify things, but also add to the holiday fun while encouraging positive behavior through helping others.

Here are some ideas on ways to incorporate your Snowpixie into daily classroom activities:

  • Read the Journey of the Snowpixies book to your class. Afterwards, have the class write a letter to Santa telling him the reasons why they would be good baby elf sitters.

  • When the Snowpixie "arrives," introduce the baby elf to your class and let them know that Santa needs their help coming up with a name. After receiving suggestions, allow the students to pick their favorite.

  • Place your Snowpixie at the entrance of the classroom so that the students can greet the baby elf as they arrive and leave each day.

  • Create a seating chart that allows the Snowpixie to sit on a different child’s desk each day. That student would make sure that the Snowpixie stays safely on their desk throughout the day and could be the one to bottle feed the Snowpixie once in the morning.

  • When your students are singing Christmas songs or practicing for a program, allow the Snowpixie to be their audience.

  • During small group time or center rotations, place the Snowpixie where it can watch the students complete an activity or craft.

  • Write letters to Santa to tell him how your Snowpixie is getting along in your class. The students could draw a picture for the Snowpixie to take back to the North Pole School of Elf Etiquette to show to friends.

  • The students could take turns sharing a story with a Snowpixie by either reading, telling a story, or showing pictures.

  • During a read aloud, the teacher could have the Snowpixie in its crib situated close by so it can listen to the story too.

  • Each day, allow several different students the opportunity to take turns coming up to the front of the classroom with the Snowpixie and share something about their weekend or their holiday traditions at home.

Join the baby elf sitting adventure by bringing a Snowpixie into your classroom to add simple holiday fun with a positive outward focus!

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